Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break Day

It snowed and snowed all night long. The trees are confused. I am confused. I hope we will have fruit this summer. Driving through town I saw many beautiful trees with broken limbs. It is feeling and looking less and less like spring break and more and more like christmas break.

I am appreciating my dishwasher and clothes dryer by not using them. Okay, I am not using them because I can't use them, not because I felt that I needed to appreciate them more. They are broken. Oh well. I didn't have a dishwasher or clothes dryer in Ghana and I did fine. The whole country of Ghana does fine without these appliances and a lot more. Boy are we spoiled. Ella and Yaw had fun drying the dishes. I enjoyed being with them. Maybe all families should have their dishwasher break for awhile. It provides ample opportunity to communicate and spend time with one another. Now for my clothes dryer. I will have to be more creative in thinking how to get my family to help out with this activity. Wish I had a clothes line. While in Ghana we had a great clothes line in our courtyard. The few times that it rained we just brought our clothes inside and hung them around the house. I have thought many times since my return that I really want a clothes line in my own backyard. Even if I did have a clothes line I doubt this crazy weather would dry anyone's clothes. Grateful for my mother in laws house close by.

Brigham had a visit from his friend Eamonn today. What a great young man.

Emily babysat, made cookies with Eden, baptisms for the dead at the Mt. Timpanogos temple, and will top the night off with a late night with her cousins at Aunt Sandy's home.

Yaw and Ella are feeling more and more like twins. They play, fight, compete, and then play some more all day long. They put on their boots, hats, gloves, and coats to build a snowman for their spring break today. They have had to have multiple bathes after being soaked through with snow and mud from playing outside. Yaw told me today that he likes Salsa. RR told him that it was american shito. Ella insisted that she was a kitty and wanted to drink milk by lapping it out of a bowl.

RR and I signed Yaw's adoption papers today. Our great friend/lawyer Randy Christiansen who did Ella's adoption for us will now be able to file Yaw's papers with the court. We did so much work in Ghana that I kept putting off that we had to adopt Yaw here in our country too. Hopefully all will go smooth and we will get the adoption order back soon so we can take Yaw to the temple to be sealed.

I was blessed with a great visit from Anne and Alpha Smoot this afternoon. Alpha is graduating from BYU this month in Photography. This semester she has been taking a class on how to play the bells at the bell tower on campus. She is giving a concert on Saturday. We get to go. She said that she would even take us up the steep 100 steps to the top of the bell tower. We live close to the bell tower and hear it all day long as it reminds us of what time it is. On Sunday I have a goal to be at church before the bells ring. It is still a goal I am working on. Brig has always loved the bell tower. When Brig was more vocal he used to comment about it every time we would drive past. I think he thought it was home to Quasi Moto (sp?). Wish we could get him up to the top. Alpha is a talented and beautiful young woman. Last year she presented us with a handmade book of photographs that she had taken of Brigham for one of her photography classes. It is truly a work of art and such a treasure for RR and me. We are so grateful to the Smoot family. Over the years they have blessed our lives in countless ways.

1 comment:

emily anne said...

mom you are so detailed i love it your the best!